This may explain how serial killer Ted Bundy was able to elude authorities for so long, and also how Bundy was able to escape custody not once, but twice. They have excellent reflexes and can make the most important decisions in seconds. They have sharp intuition and even sharper intelligence, which allows them to adapt to new circumstances quickly. People ruled by this number are risk takers - daring and courageous. Reveal the Numerology behind any person - for FREE » Serial Killer Ted Bundy In a 1978 letter, he wrote of killing, "It's a terrible nightmare but you see, I don't lose any sleep over it." The number 8 in Numerology implies that this murderer was bound for fame and recognition of some sort - he just chose infamy instead. At their worst, they are destructive and without compassion.

At their best, they are strong and have the potential for greatness. They are competitive, ambitious, efficient, and unafraid of challenges. People ruled by this number have a winner-takes-all attitude. The man who dubbed himself the BTK killer (the letters stand for "bind, torture, and kill") has a name dominated by the number 8.

Reveal the Numerology behind any person - for FREE » Serial Killer Dennis Rader Letters that Berkowitz sent to the police and to a local newspaper during his murderous rampage reflect all three of those characteristics. At their worst, people ruled by the number 7 are arrogant, self-centered, and eccentric. Today, he's involved in prison ministry and offers spiritual counsel to inmates. Hardly qualities you'd associate with someone who paralyzed New York City with his murder spree in the late 1970s, but consider this: while in prison, Berkowitz became a born-again Christian. They are spiritual and philosophical, and often find their true calling via an unconventional path. At their best, Numerology says people ruled by this number are seekers of truth and wisdom. The Son of Sam's name is dominated by the number 7. Let's dig into the numerological connection behind the names of nine of the most infamous serial killers in history. There's typically a numerological pattern that can be one of many explanations as to why someone becomes a criminal. The same is true when you look at this reviled group through the lens of Numerology. Whether the answer is nature or nurture, there seems to be several common threads when you consider them as a whole. Others claim there are differences in a serial killer's brain make up. What makes someone a serial killer? Some say it stems from things they learned in childhood.